Studying Public Relations;)

This blog is a part of my studies. Annual assignment about Understanding the customer course....

Monday 10 November 2008

Advertising in magazines....

I’d like to start with to quotation from Ruth this is the end of fun and games. I have always known that something like that can happen someday but I have not expected that I will be in November. Ruth explained that because of new uni grades system we cannot fail any of our assignments. I am totally terrified about it. It is typical for me that I am usually afraid of many things because I do not believe in myself, but this information almost killed me. Repeating a year is one of the worst thing which can happen. I am not even able to imagine myself in similar situation. OK, I know, like Marley said don’t worry be happy.

Coming back to the topic of my post….Ruth made me scared and immediately started lecture. That time we talked about advertisements in magazines. How it is possible that people remember only a few out of thousands seen everyday? Our group had a great chance to check these mechanisms Everyone of us were obliged to write down all ads which we remember out of a dozen or so. Off course everyone has different preferences in chosen ads. Our choice depends on many things, mostly on our gender. Ads for man are usually not as colorfully as these for women. Product should be at the centre to the picture. In the best situation ad affects on more than our sense. Against all odds, it is possible to affect on our feeling using only a picture. (example can be seen at the right). Results of our experiment wasn’t a surprise for me. There are different rules used in adverts for each gender:

WOMAN prefer:

- stars in adverts

- many colors

- bright colors

- big area in the same color

- ad should tell a story

- affecting on many senses

MEN prefer:

- using humor

- one, basic color

- emphasizing strength

- using connotations

- illusion of luxury

Interested in this topic? You should see this film:


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