Studying Public Relations;)

This blog is a part of my studies. Annual assignment about Understanding the customer course....

Sunday 5 October 2008

Difficult start.....

You can’t even imagine how difficult is foreigners’ life here – in the UK. I’ve been in England for two weeks and now I know what does it mean to be completely lost in a strange country. Everything is new for me here. I hope that I get used to it…
But, to be honest, this blog is not about my complaints, it’s about my new student’s life at Chalfont Campus! Few months ago I’ve chosen the PR&Marketing course at Bucks New University. Now, after a week, I can say that I has been the best possible choice which I’ve ever made. Everyday is different than another. Interesting lectures, nice teachers and wonderful atmosphere. Every single group has it’s own tutor. My tutor is Ruth. She is also a “understanding the customer” teacher. I personally believe that it is an important subject of PR education connected with consumer’s psychology. We can get to know much about people’s behavior and their way of thinking. During first lecture(?) we had a chance to find out more about each other in a group. Everyone brought a thing which shows their personality perfectly. What is more, now I know that first impression is the most important part of marketing and that first 30sec. in contact with the customer can decide whether he will be satisfied with cooperation or not.
Is that all what I wanted to write? Yes, I think that it is enough for the beginning…..

(I want to apologize, everyone who have to read this blog, for my English, but I hope that a year in the UK can help me to develop my language skills.)


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